Compromising quantity and quality in the “publish or perish” era
- M. Di Stefano, T. Legrand, A. Di Franco, D. Nerini, V. Rossi, “Assessing spatio-temporal variability of spawning in a Mediterranean coastal fish combining observations and modelling”, ORAL presented at the ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, June 2021, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- T. Legrand, A. Chenuil, E. Ser-Giacomi, M. Lo, B. Porro, S. Arnaud-Haond, N. Bierne, V. Rossi, “Meta-analysis reveals hidden multi-generational dispersal pathways predicting gene flows across marine taxa”, ORAL presented at the ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, June 2021, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- T. Legrand, A. Chenuil, E. Ser-Giacomi, M. Lo, B. Porro, S. Arnaud-Haond, N. Bierne, V. Rossi, “Multi-generational connectivity vs genetic structures”, ORAL presented at the 5th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, December 2020, Auckland, New Zealand.
- I. Hernandez-Carrasco, A. Orfila, V. Rossi, E. Alou-Font, V. Morales-Márquez, V. Garcon, “Lagrangian flow properties along filament-like structures and its impact on the distribution and composition of phytoplankton”, ORAL presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, February 2020, San Diego, USA.
- T. Legrand, A. Di Franco, E. Ser-Giacomi, A. Caló and V. Rossi, “A multidisciplinary analytical framework to delineate spawning areas and quantify larval dispersal in coastal fish”, ORAL presented at the international GECOMARS workshop, February 2020, Marseille, France.
- M. Lo, T. Legrand, V. Rossi, “Lagrangian Flow Network: a powerful and flexible modelling framework to study the multi-scale connectivity of marine populations”, POSTER presented at the international GECOMARS workshop, February 2020, Marseille, France.
- V. Rossi and M. Hidalgo “Evaluating broad-scale connectivity to improve the management of Hake fishery in the north-western Mediterranean Sea”, ORAL presented at the international GECOMARS workshop, February 2020, Marseille, France.
- V. Morales-Marquez, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, V. Rossi and A. Orfila, “Wind and wave effects on surface currents in the Western Mediterranean”, ORAL presented at the 8th MonGOOS Meeting & Workshop, December 2019, Trieste, Italy.
- V. Rossi et al. “Filamentary and frontal structures in oceanic plankton shaped by (sub)mesoscale physical processes”, INVITED ORAL presented at the TEASAO final workshop, October 2019, Saint Ferréol, France.
- T. Legrand, […], V. Rossi, “Integrating Lagrangian modeling with otolith analyses to quantify larval dispersal and locate spawning areas” ORAL presented at the 7 th international LAPCOD meeting, June 2019, Venice, Italy.
- M. Lo and V. Rossi, “Deep learning to improve remote-sensed ocean data for fisheries research”, ORAL presented (remotely) at the ICES-WGMLEARN workshop on machine learning in marine science, May 2019, Ostend, Belgium.
- V. Rossi et al. “Physical and biogeochemical controls on dissolved oxygen in coastal upwelling systems: insights from a low complexity coupled model” POSTER presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2019, Vienna, Austria.
- V. Rossi et al. “Ocean connectivity, structure of marine populations and ecosystem management”, INVITED ORAL at the National Oceanographic Center Liverpool, February 2019, Liverpool, UK.
- V. Rossi et al. “Basin-scale connectivity among SEAMoBB surveyed sites: preliminary model results”, ORAL presented at the 2nd SEAMoBB general assembly, February 2019, Ravenna, Italy.
- V. Rossi et al. “Modelling early-life stages connectivity to better understand marine population structure and inform fisheries management”, INVITED ORAL presented at the FAO/GFCM Fish Forum 2018, December 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Legrand, T., […] V. Rossi, “Integrating Lagrangian modelling with otolith analyses to investigate larval dispersal and fish natal origins: a case-study for Diplodus sargus and Diplodus vulgaris in the Adriatic Sea”, POSTER & V. Rossi et al., “Modelling early-life stages connectivity to better understand marine population structure and inform fisheries management” ORAL presented at the 4th International Marine Connectivity (iMarCo) Conference, October 2018, Crete, Greece.
- J. Bettencourt, V. Rossi et al. “Physical and biogeochemical controls on dissolved oxygen in coastal upwelling systems” ORAL and “Characterization of the structure and cross−shore transport properties of a coastal upwelling filament using three−dimensional finite–size Lyapunov exponents” POSTER presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2018, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V. et al. “Modelling the connectivity of early-life stages for exploited species: a new approach for the delimitation of fishery assessment units in the Mediterranean Sea”, ORAL presented at the Ocean Science Meeting 2018, February 2018, Portland, USA.
- Hernandez-Carrasco, Rossi et al. “Effect of small scale transport processes on phytoplankton distribution in coastal seas”, POSTER presented at the Ocean Science Meeting 2018, February 2018, Portland, USA.
- Rossi, V. et al. “Connectivity and the structural complexity of marine populations: implications for protection and management”, ORAL presented at the Fine-MED workshop, July 2017, Marseille, France.
- Rossi, V. et al. “Lagrangian Flow Network part 2: ocean connectivity and the structural complexity of marine populations”. INVITED ORAL presented at the MEGALODOM workshop, June 2017, Villefranche/Mer, France.
- Rossi, V. et al. “Lagrangian Flow Network: Theory and Applications”, INVITED ORAL presented at the international conference “Cross-Roads in Complex Systems” held at IFISC, June 2017, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Bettencourt J., V. Rossi et al. “Impact of submesoscale motions in dissolved O2 in an upwelling system”. POSTER presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V. et al. “Modeling the dynamical sinking of biogenic particles in eastern-boundary upwelling systems”. POSTER presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Monroy, Rossi et al. “Connectivity diagnostics in the Mediterranean obtained from Lagrangian Flow Networks; global patterns, sensitivity and robustness”. ORAL presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V. “Retention, dispersion & transport of tracers in geophysical fluids: a Lagrangian perspective”, ORAL presented at the 2 nd general TEASAO workshop at LEGOS, March 2017, Toulouse, France.
- Rossi, V. and A. Chenuil, “Introducing the HYDROGENCONNECT project: Dispersal and Connectivity”. ORAL presented at the 2nd international HYDROGENCONNET workshop (hosted by the Institute of Marine Sciences IMS/METU), Oct. 2016, Erdemli, Turkey.
- Rossi, V. et al. Studying connectivity and the structural complexity of marine populations with Lagrangian Flow Networks. ORAL seminar presented at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO – CNRS/IRD/AMU), Sept. 2016, Marseille, France.
- Rossi V., E. Ser-Giacomi, P. Monroy, M. Dubois, C. Lopez, E. Hernandez-García. “Lagrangian Flow Network: theory and applications.” ORAL presented at the 3rd international Workshop on Nonlinear Processes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows (NLOA), July 2016, Madrid, Spain.
- Rossi V. et al. “Dispersal and Connectivity in Evolutionary Biology”. INVITED ORAL presented at the XVI Jornada de Biologia Evolutiva, organized by Societat Catalana de Biologia, June 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
- Rossi, V., E Ser-Giacomi, M Dubois, P Monroy, M Hidalgo, E Hernandez-García, C López. “Lagrangian Flow Networks: a new framework to study the multi-scale connectivity and the structural complexity of marine populations”, INVITED ORAL and published PROCEEDINGS and Executive Summary at the CIESM international Research Workshop n. 48 « Marine Connectivity -Migratory routes, stepping stones, larval dispersal », March 2016, Mallorca, Spain.
- Rossi V, M Dubois; E Ser-Giacomi; P Monroy; C Lopez; E Hernandez-Garcia. “Lagrangian Flow Network: a new tool to evaluate connectivity and understand the structural complexity of marine populations”. ORAL presented at the Ocean Science Meeting (AGU/ASLO), New Orleans, USA.
- Rossi, V., Monroy P., Lopez C., Hernandez-Garcia E., “Modeling the dynamical sinking of biogenic particles in the ocean.” POSTER presented at the LEFE-CYBER workshop sur lamodélisation, Nov. 2015, Marseille, France.
- Rossi, V., Dubois, Ser-Giacomi, Monroy, Hernandez-García, López, “Lagrangian Flow Network: a new tool to evaluate connectivity and understand the structural complexity of marine populations”, ORAL presented at the ICES annual science conference, September 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Rossi, V., Hidalgo, Dubois, Ser-Giacomi, Monroy, Arnaud-Haond, Lopez, Hernandez-Garcia, “Studying connectivity processes and the structural complexity of marine populations using Lagrangian Flow Network: a case study of the European hake in the western Mediterranean Sea”, INVITED ORAL presented at the 5th annual meeting of MarCo, September 2015, Montpellier, France.
- Rossi, V., M. Dubois, E. Ser-Giacomi, S. Arnaud-Haond, C. Lopez and E. Hernandez-Garcia. “Linking basin-scale connectivity, oceanography and population dynamics for the management of marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea”. ORAL presented at the 1st international HYDROGENCONNET workshop (hosted by IFISC), June 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Rossi, V., Dubois, Ser-Giacomi, Arnaud-Haond, Lopez, Hernandez-Garcia, “Linking basinscale connectivity, oceanography and population dynamics for the management of marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean sea”, ORALS presented at the LINC final meeting and the EGU general assembly, April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V., Dubois, Ser-Giacomi, Arnaud-Haond, Lopez, Hernandez-Garcia, “Linking basinscale connectivity, oceanography and population dynamics for the design of marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea”, INVITED ORAL presented at AMA meeting, January 2015, Toulouse, France.
- Rossi, V., Dubois, Ser-Giacomi, Arnaud-Haond, Lopez, Hernandez-Garcia, “Linking basinscale connectivity, oceanography and population dynamics for the design of marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea”, solicited ORAL seminar presented at IOE, October 2014, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Rossi, V. and collaborators, “On the retention, dispersion and transport of tracers by ocean currents: a Lagrangian perspective”, ORAL seminar presented at LEGOS, October 2014, Toulouse, France.
- Rossi, V. and collaborators, “On the retention, dispersion and transport of tracers by ocean currents: a Lagrangian perspective”, ORAL seminar presented at IMEDEA, June 2014, Esporles, Mallorca, Spain.
- López, C., V. Rossi, E. Ser-Giacomi, and E. Hernandez-Garcia, “Oceanic provinces and basinscale connectivity derived from a hydrodynamical network help designing marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea”, ORAL presented at the EGU general assembly, April 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V., Ser-Giacomi, López and Hernández-García, “Hydrodynamic provinces and oceanic connectivity from a transport network help designing marine reserves”. ORAL presented at the international Ocean Science Meeting, Feb. 2014, Honolulu, USA.
- Hernandez-Carrasco, I., V. Rossi, E. Hernandez-Garcia, V. Garçon and C. Lopez, “The reduction of planktonic biomass induced by mesoscale stirring: a modelling study in the Benguela upwelling”. POSTER presented at the EUR-OCEANS Hot Topics Conference, Nov. 2013, Gran Canaria, Spain.
- Rossi, V., Froyland, G., C. Horenkamp, N. Santitissadeekorn, A. Sen Gupta, E. Van Sebille, V. Garçon and M.H. England. “Lagrangian studies of the ocean circulation”. ORAL seminar presented at IFISC, Jul. 2013, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Rossi, V., F. Ming, A. Schaeffer, C. Pattiaratchi, G. Galibert, J. Wood, J. Sudre, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Sporadic physical processes driving temperature and nutrient variability in the coastal ocean: a comparative study over the East and West Australian continental shelves” ORAL seminar presented at the CCRC/UNSW, Dec. 2012, Sydney Australia.
- Rossi, V., F. Ming, A. Schaeffer, C. Pattiaratchi, G. Galibert, J. Wood, J. Sudre, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Sporadic physical processes driving temperature and nutrient variability in the coastal ocean: a comparative study over the East and West Australian continental shelves” ORAL seminar presented at the Oceans Institute/UWA, Dec. 2012, Perth, Australia.
- Rossi, V., A. Schaeffer, F. Ming, C. Pattiaratchi, G. Galibert, J. Wood, J. Sudre, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Sporadic physical processes driving temperature and nutrient variability in the coastal ocean: a comparative study over the East and West Australian continental shelves” ORAL seminar presented at CSIRO/UTAS, Nov. 2012, Hobart, Australia.
- Rossi, V., A. Schaeffer, F. Ming, C. Pattiaratchi, G. Galibert, J. Wood, J. Sudre, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Sporadic physical processes driving temperature and nutrient variability in the coastal ocean: a comparative study over the East and West Australian continental shelves” ORAL seminar presented at Griffith University, Nov. 2012, Queensland, Australia.
- Rossi, V., F. Ming, C. Pattiaratchi, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Upwelling over NorthWestern Australia: complex interaction between the surface and sub-surface circulation in the Leeuwin current”, ORAL presented at the international Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 2012, Salt lake City, USA.
- Rossi, V., A. Schaeffer, J. Wood, G. Galibert, J. Sudre, M. Roughan and A.M. Waite, “Spatiotemporal variability of sporadic upwelling events over the east Australian continental margin.”, ORAL presented at the Australian Meteorological and Oceanography Society conference, Jan. 2012, Sydney, Australia.
- Rossi, V., M. Roughan, L. Beckley and A.M. Waite, “A bio-physical characterization of water masses off Ningaloo reef in May 2010”, ORAL presented at the Australian Marine Sciences Association Conference, Jul. 2011, Fremantle, WA, Australia.
- Hernandez-Carrasco, I., V. Rossi, H. Hernandez-Garcia, V. Garçon and C. Lopez, 2011, “A coupled modelling study of plankton and hydrodynamics at mesoscale in the Benguela upwelling system”, POSTER presented at the Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research Symposium (AMEMR III), Jun. 2011, Plymouth, UK.
- Rossi, V., V. Garçon and Y. Morel, “Influence of mesoscale physical processes on planktonic ecosystems in the regional ocean: application to the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems”, ORAL seminar presented at the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), Oct. 2010, Sydney, Australia.
- Hernandez-Garcia, E., J.H. Bettencourt, V. Garcon, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, C. Lopez, V. Rossi, J. Sudre, E. Tew-Kai, “Biological Impact of Ocean Transport: A Finite-Size Lyapunov Characterization”, ORAL and published PROCEEDINGS (Ed. D. Baleanu, Z.B. Guvenc and O. Defterli ; article #54) for the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Jul. 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
- Rossi, V., C. López, E. Tewkai, E. Hernández-García, J. Sudre and V. Garçon, “Influence of ocean circulation and horizontal stirring on marine ecosystem dynamics, from phytoplankton to top predators”, solicited ORAL seminar presented at the Ocean Institute, University of Western Australia (UWA), May 2010, Perth, Australia.
- Rossi, V., Garçon V., J. Tassel, J.B. Romagnan, L. Stemmann, F. Jourdin, P. Morin and Y. Morel, “Biological – physical interactions at mesoscale from in-situ data: a field survey of the Iberian Peninsula Upwelling System”, POSTER presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 2010, Portland, USA.
- Rossi, V., C. López, E. Tewkai, E. Hernández-García, J. Sudre and V. Garçon, “Influence of ocean circulation and horizontal stirring on marine ecosystem dynamics, from phytoplankton to top predators”, ORAL seminar presented at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche/Mer (LOV – CNRS/UPMC), Nov. 2009, Villefranche/Mer, France.
- Meunier, T., V., Rossi, Y., Morel and X., Carton, “Filaments and vortex formation from topographic effects on an upwelling current”, POSTER presented at the 2nd international conference on High-Reynolds number vortex interactions, Sept. 2009, Brest, France.
- Rossi, V., Y., Morel, and V. Garcon, “Formation of a secondary upwelling along the continental margin”, ORAL presented at the Layered Ocean Model Workshop, Jun. 2009, Miami, USA.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Influence of ocean circulation and horizontal stirring on marine ecosystem dynamics, from phytoplankton to top predators”, ORAL seminar presented at the IMEDEA (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, CSIC/UIB), May 2009, Mallorca, Spain.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Marine ecosystem dynamics and horizontal mixing”, INVITED ORAL presented at the EGU general assembly, Apr. 2009, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Marine ecosystem dynamics and horizontal stirring and mixing”, ORAL presented at the Workshop “Non Linear Processes in Atmospheric and Oceanic flows”, Jul. 2008, Castro Urdiales, Spain.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Spatio-temporal variations of stirring in the surface ocean of the four eastern boundaries upwelling systems”, solicited ORAL presented at the Eastern boundary Upwelling Ecosystem symposium, Jun. 2008, Las Palmas, Spain.
- Rossi, V., Y. Morel, J. Tassel, P. Morin and V. Garçon, “MOUTON 2007: a field survey of the Iberian Peninsula Upwelling System”, POSTER presented at the Eastern boundary Upwelling Ecosystem symposium, Jun. 2008, Las Palmas, Spain.
- Rossi, V., Y. Morel, and V. Garçon, “Formation of a secondary upwelling front along the shelf break in simplified numerical models and in-situ data”, POSTER presented at the Eastern boundary Upwelling Ecosystem symposium, Jun. 2008, Las Palmas, Spain.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Comparative study of the mixing and biological activity of the Benguela and Canary upwelling”, POSTER presented at the 4th IGBP congress, May 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Comparative study of the mixing and biological activity of the Benguela and Canary upwelling”, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10, POSTER presented at EGU general assembly, Apr. 2008, Vienna, Austria.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Spatio-temporal variations of stirring in the surface ocean of the Benguela, Canary and Iberian peninsula upwelling systems”, ORAL presented at the EUR-OCEANS PI’s annual meeting, Apr. 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Rossi, V., C. López, J. Sudre, E. Hernández-García, and V. Garçon, “Comparative study of the mixing and biological activity of the Benguela and Canary upwelling”, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9, POSTER presented at the European Geosciences Union general assembly, Apr. 2007, Vienna, Austria.
- Garçon V., V. Rossi, C. Pottier, J. Sudre, G. Larnicol, A. Paulmier, D. Ruiz Pino, A. Turiel, C. Lopez, and L. Farias, “Eastern boundary upwelling systems as natural SOLAS laboratories”, ORAL presented at SOLAS open science conference, Mar. 2007, Xiamen, China.