Conundrum of how to fund long-term research with short-term projects

2020/2023BIOPHYCOAST (Developing Downstream applications and services on BIO-PHYsical characterization of the seascape for COASTal management), funded by EU-Copernicus Framework Partnership Agreement(FPA).V. Rossi &
C. Pinazo
106 K€
2020/2024international “Ocean Front CHANGEproject funded by the Belmont Forum (call “Innovating solutions to accelerate sustainable use of oceans and minimize effects from global change”); our consortium is composed ofnatural and social scientists fromFrance, Germany, USA, Mozambique and Kenya.
2020Foresight Workshop TUTTI (From species connectivity To fUncTional connecTIvity), funded by EuroMarine.L.Lopez-Lopez, M.Hidalgo, M.Coll, V.Rossi7.5 k€
2018/2021SEAMoBB (Solutions for sEmi-Automated Monitoring of Benthic Biodiversity;, funded by ERA-Net Mar-Tera, France.V.Rossi40 k€
2018Make Our Planet Great Again Short Visit grant and project entitled “Impact of the Loop Current variability on connectivity and dispersal across the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean”;visit at MIO from 15thSeptember to 15thNovember 2018.C.Harrison and V.Rossi10 K€
2016/2019TEASAO (Turbulence Effects on Active Species in Atmosphere and Ocean;, funded by ToulouseIDEX program “Attractivity Chairs 2014”.Y. Morel & P. Haynes
2016/2018Juan de la Cierva –Incorporacion fellowship, ranked 2ndnationally in area “Earth Science”, Spain (renounced when entering CNRS in January 2017).V.Rossi64 k€
2016/2018LAOP(Estudios lagrangianos de procesos oceánicos: patrones de conectividad, barreras al transporte y poblaciones marinas), funded by MICINN, Spain.C. Lopez
2015/2016HYDROGENCONNECT (HYDROdynamic networks, population GENetics and oceanic CONNECTivity for the design of Marine Protected Areas), France.V.Rossi17.7 k€
2013/2015ESCOLA (EStructuras COherentes LAgrangianas en la dinámica del océano), funded by MICINN and FEDER (CTM2012-39025-C02-01), Spain.C. Lopez
2011/2015LINC(Learning about Interacting Networks in Climate), Marie-Curie initial training network 289447, funded by the European Union (EC-FP7), EU.E.Hernandez-Garcia
2012/2015GDR MarCo (Marine French Connection), funded by IFREMER and CNRS, France.S.Arnaud-Haond and N.Bierne
2010/2012Discovery Project “Ocean-reef interactions as drivers of continental shelf productivity in a changing climate”, funded by the Australian Research Council (DP1093510), Australia.A.Waite
2005/2013EUR-OCEANS (EURopean research on OCean Ecosystems under Anthropogenic and Natural forcingS) Network of Excellence and Consortium, funded by the European Union (EC-FP6), EU.V. Garçon
2007/2008OCEANTECH (Herramientas avanzadas para el estudio de la dinámica océanicay la gestìon medio-ambiental) funded by CSIC(PIF06-059), Spain.C. Lopez
2006/2009MOUTON(Modélisation Océanique d’Un Théâtre d’Opération Navale),fundedby SHOM-DGA(PEA012401), France.Y. Morel
2004/2007“Linkage between Climate Change and Fisheries in Hervey Bay, Australia”, funded by USQ and DPI&F, Australia.J. Ribbe